Friday, May 30, 2008

Might As Well Throw Graydon Into The Webisphere

This pic is from a late night feeding. He wasn't that interested! Born on Mother's Day, May 11 at 5:35 am.

Gas Prices In CT

So this was the price for filling up Court's Audi A6 Wagon last weekend when I took Cooper shopping.

And I hear it is only going up. Granted they have dealt with these prices in Europe for the last ten years, but this is America, the home of cheap gas - no longer I guess!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

When they SciFi first re-imagined Battlestar I thought it would be terrible. Most SciFi originals are low budget, and to do a campy show with a low budget could go the way of that New Zealand scifi show or Andromeda with Kevin Sorbo. Point being, I did not watch it. Then the reviews came in, "One of the best shows on television", and I thought I should check it out. Season one came and passed.

Season two came and the reviews came again, "One of the greatest dramas on television today". Again I thought I should watch it, but I have a lot going on in my life. That season passed. I really liked Veronica Mars, and got my wife into it for the second season. So we are watching, and Veronica says "fracking" to replace an expletive. What is this "Frack"? Well, in the original, it was shit or darn, but in the new version, it mean fuck, and is used quite liberally, both as Frack! or Frack off, Don't frack with me, Frack you, etc....

So I thought that was oretty neat - to create a word and give it meaning in your own world to get around censorship. So I set my TiVO for the premiere of Season 3 (December 2006) and I was totally lost. Some people are on New Caprica occupied by the Cylons, some are on Battlestar, some on Pegasus. I do not understand any of the relationships or who the characters are or why I should care - but it is riveting, so I stick with it, and TiVo reruns. I try to piece together who everyone is, their past and connection to the others.

So for the premiere of Season 4 last week, I thought I had done pretty well. I had my bearing on who all of the characters are, how they got there, etc.... I thought I had seen the majority of the episodes here and there from the first two seasons. I tried to get Court into it, but no go.

I'm an not a scifi geek, but I do count Blade Runner as one of my favorite films, and I think Steel Beach is an awesome novel, and of course Asimov is an amazing story teller and Murakami, and Doug Adams are definitely in my top five of favorite authors - and Time's Arrow changed the way I think about linear narrative. That being said I think the genre is very important in the world pysche.

So I can't get back to sleep the other night, and go into our guest room to watch TV around 4:30 am or so. I flip the TiVo on, and there is a Battlestar wrap-up show, explaining the whole series leading up to Season 4. I rewind and watch it, only to realize that I have missed entire story arcs, and characters, and important facts. Very disappointed in myself. I now have to get the first and second seasons from NetFlix and start all over again.

Can you guest who will be the final one of the five?

Post your thoughts and guesses. I will say it is, well I have to watch all the episodes. Do you think they knew in Season 1 who the final five would be, or looked to the strength and evolution of the characters to decide?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Obama Versus

A Republican friend of mine revealed tonight that he has given a fair amount of money to Obama's campaign and will vote for him if he gets the Democratic nomination. If it is Hillary, he is voting McCain.

I have to agree with him. As an moderate Independent, I have always been a fan of McCain's views, and was disappointed that he did not make it eight years ago.

So that is how I am voting in case anyone cares.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Vanessa Loves Cannoli

This is Vanessa and I sharing a cannoli when she came to visit last week.

Cooper New Year's Day 2008

Cooper had a fever New Year's Day, so here he and I are after two hours waiting for the doctor.

Dunkaroo in Bridgehampton

This is a game we invented in 1999 one summer in Mallorca. Jamie, Jay, Ken, Aaron, Vanessa and some others came to my house after Tiphanie's wedding in France. We spent about ten days enjoying ourselves, a few afternoons in the pool.

Dunkaro requires an incredible amount of skill, balance and strength. Toes perched on the edge, you must throw your opponent into the pool without moving. We recreated the game for about two minutes this summer in the Hamptons.

Ricardo and Cooper

This is my brother Ricardo meeting my son, Cooper, for the first time in August.

Jayma's Designs

Here is Cooper in one of the onesies that Jayma designed.

Josiah in Nantucket

This is my good friend Josiah in Nantucket. I was not at this party, but Court was.

Cooper and Courtenay over 4th of July

Court and Cooper spent the month of July in Nantucket. Luckily I was able to go up for the 4th and a couple of weekends afterwards.

New Year's 2006

This is me heralding in the New Year with my sister in law Kim. My wife was 8 months pregnant and we also celebrated with our friends Kevin and Rebecca.